Thursday, 11 April 2013

New Van Saar.

Out of all the house gangs my favourite has to be Van Saar.
You have a lot of options when starting a gang of these guys.
Buy the originals from GW or eBay,
Hold out and buy the super rare, multipart fanatic Van Saar,
Or kit bash your own as I have.

But the kit bash just isn't Van Saar enough.
You need the bodyglove/still-suit first and foremost.
To this end I've decided to go the extra mile and sculp a tech bodyglove on to an empire soldier I've had knocking about.

After chopping the fantasy bits off I was left with a pretty cool armature to sculpt some detail on.
This is still very WIP as only the first layer of detail is applied.

Feedback would be appreciated.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

From the workbench.

Not much to report this week so here's a few pics of current projects.

Killer robots from mars.

WIP's on some more hybrids.

WIP barricades.

And some nearly finished scenery.